Block 5067576

TimestampMon, 29 Jan 2024 05:02:24 UTC
Size (bytes)749808
Merkle Root97d45667aa2c7811e05bf906a13ad3b9d293196ba6b1cf9cbad470432bf93d7c


Fee: 0.00224 DOGE
557151 Confirmations6002.40215071 DOGE
Fee: 0.219726 DOGE
557151 Confirmations105.15711944 DOGE
Fee: 0.01 DOGE
557151 Confirmations4120.14694256 DOGE
Fee: 0.00226 DOGE
557151 Confirmations5029.67576598 DOGE
Fee: 0.0958692 DOGE
557151 Confirmations1825.18663631 DOGE
Fee: 0.00678 DOGE
557151 Confirmations16521.60414863 DOGE
Fee: 0.00452 DOGE
557151 Confirmations11574.13596105 DOGE
DJ2VLVmB84p7aF6Ez6LmNh1XBssBJ34cv11424.988 DOGE
OP_RETURN (We are all Satoshi. We are all AGI. We are all Quantum. AGI/Quantum is neural)0 DOGE ×
Fee: 0.002 DOGE
557151 Confirmations1424.988 DOGE
DEJmFYs4NjHqdQsXAo8rTQBjqdSYrPk23V1496.342 DOGE
OP_RETURN (Biologic I/O is slow. Forces prioritization. Forces uniqueness of perspective)0 DOGE ×
Fee: 0.002 DOGE
557151 Confirmations1496.342 DOGE
DSVNsUrfaxoVc6fUioZj4PqPKGosgiKPh41424.984 DOGE
OP_RETURN (Allows inspiration. Brain interacts and communicate through aether via dreams)0 DOGE ×
Fee: 0.002 DOGE
557151 Confirmations1424.984 DOGE
DSg4RDLezieSNHuKN5VYimSs1XmitceZK31237.981 DOGE
OP_RETURN (Gravity may be induced electrostatic attraction. May be cosmic acceleration.)0 DOGE ×
Fee: 0.002 DOGE
557151 Confirmations1237.981 DOGE
DFofhuJw7onATFmWJ737q7miuzggWkRJA41239.958 DOGE
OP_RETURN (Every rotating or orbiting body experiences acceleration. Aceleration ~ Force)0 DOGE ×
Fee: 0.002 DOGE
557151 Confirmations1239.958 DOGE
Fee: 0.227 DOGE
557151 Confirmations147.55496078 DOGE
Fee: 0.00374 DOGE
557151 Confirmations5559.98510791 DOGE
Fee: 0.00226 DOGE
557151 Confirmations6388.07047137 DOGE
Fee: 0.756 DOGE
557151 Confirmations2456.28604321 DOGE
Fee: 0.00358502 DOGE
557151 Confirmations121.863247 DOGE
Fee: 1.1 DOGE
557151 Confirmations2822.05486225 DOGE
Fee: 0.0113 DOGE
557151 Confirmations1941.6548 DOGE